Full 90 Coaching

Sam Browne - Mental Performance Coach with Spurs FC



Sam has rejoined our coaching ranks with Spurs FC and is excited to begin her new role as the club’s Mental Performance Coach. During our conversation, we discuss the role of a mental performance coach, how she became interested in mental skills and sports psychology, the benefits and misconceptions of having a mental performance coach, and our plan to integrate her work within our club structure. IG: @12coachsam 2:27 description of Mental Performance Coach (MPC)4:42 having an MPC on-hand for guidance through difficult times6:52 how Sam became interested in mental skills and sports psychology12:42 benefits and misconceptions of MPC’s20:02 Overview of upcoming month with Spurs FC working with Mental Performance Coach23:42 Final 3 coaching points from the perspective of an MPC27:02 One piece of advice for any coach