Giving Up Normal

Monday Motivation #10: Being Thankful for the Humanness of Jesus



Do you ever feel like you are failing at being spiritual? Are there times when you struggle concentrating on Jesus? If so, I totally get it! My mind has been all over the place lately. I show up consistently to meet with God and try so hard to "just be" with Him. But then the mind starts turning...and turning...and turning! My body is quite but my thoughts are all over the place. In this episode, I share my experience over these last few months of being disappointed in my inability to calm the chaos, and the scripture that reminded me that Jesus knows what it's like to be me...He knows what it's like to be you...not just because He made us and has knowledge of everything (which He does) BUT He knows because HE HAS BEEN THERE! He's totally, 100% fully human...just like you and me. So He gets it too!