Smarter Event Planning

Master Motivation



While there are many things in life that are out of our control, motivation is not one of them. There will always be conditions, people, and situations that can affect your motivation, but staying motivated is within your control, no matter the conditions.   1 What makes you tick?   Everyone will differ slightly in what drives them, and one person’s motivation will not be the same as their teammates’. Start by getting a sense of where your motivation comes from. When are you at your most motivated, and when are you at your least motivated? Where were you and what were you doing in those times? How confident and capable did you feel? What were you thinking about? How well-supported were you? How in control did you feel? What was your attitude like? Answering these questions will give insight as to where your motivation stems from so you know how to find it again.   2. Choose your attitude   Moods can come and go like thoughts and clouds in the sky, but you always have the power to choose your attitude. Researc