Money And Power

Episode #34: Should College Athletes Get Paid?



The Show Notes. On this week’s episode of Money and Power: Nathan returns from sea to bring a totally true and reliable NewsBit, Jeremiah brings the heat on Friends + Netflix, and Rob condemns and defends Dave Ramsey. Also, a discussion of whether the NCAA should pay college players.  The Socials. Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Network | Conference   The Sponsors.  New sponsor onboard this week: Hover. Visit for 10% off all domain, email, and transfer services. Hover is a great brand, great customer service. You will be impressed. This week’s edition of MAP is sponsored by the one and only STRIKE FORCE ENERGY. Visit and use offer code “MAP” to get 20% everything in the store.   The Music.  As always, this week’s music was provided by KID INC.  (CCL - 2018)