6ix & Friends

030 - Flight to Fatherhood



Stepping into the role of a father is hard. And things can further get complicated when you and the mother of your child don’t share the same views on a relationship. Now you’re parenting a child from separate homes, and even separate states in some cases. And that begs the question, how do I become a great father and stay away form the ain’t shit stereotype? I don’t have the answers (mainly because I don’t have kids), and that’s why I called upon my man E. He’s determined to not be an ain’t shit father despite the fact he lives states away from his child. Want to find out how he does it? You’re in for a real treat. #fatherhood #atl #fatherhoodisdope #dadsaredope #singleparent #delta #cjthe6ix #withthe6ix #6ixandfriends #podcast #millennials #black #blackboyjoy #blackgirlmagicSupport the show (http://www.patreon.com/6ixstudios)