Sermons By Ed

Revelation: Jesus Wins!



Study Notes Ed Underwood Revelation: Jesus Wins! Therefore write what you saw, what is, and what will be after these things (Revelation 1:19). The nine General Epistles point to the person and work of the resurrected Christ. They encourage Christians to cling to Him and exhort them to serve Him faithfully because He is the only source of life. Written primarily to persecuted Jewish Christians, the truths apply to every believer from every culture and in every age of church history. The canon of Scripture closes with a majestic epistle written by the Apostle John in exile on the island of Patmos during the great persecution under the Roman Emperor Domitian (AD 95-96). John received the Revelation from the Lord Jesus through an angel. The letter was sent to the churches he shepherded in the Roman province of Asia. The book is a “Revelation of Jesus Christ,” an unveiling of His character and program of the ages. Just as Genesis is the book of beginnings, Revelation is the book of completion. In it the div