Sermons By Ed

II Peter: Grow in Grace and Knowledge!



Study Notes Ed Underwood 2 Peter: Grow in Grace and Knowledge! But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). The nine General Epistles point to the person and work of the resurrected Christ. They encourage Christians to cling to Him and exhort them to serve Him faithfully because He is the only source of life. Written primarily to persecuted Jewish Christians, the truths apply to every believer from every culture and in every age of church history. Though Peter’s letters are grouped with the General Epistles, they are primarily to the mostly Gentile churches of Asia Minor (1 Peter 1:1). His first letter encourages these fledgling churches to stand firm in grace in the face of suffering (1 Peter 5:12). The second letter admonishes them to grow in grace in the face of false teaching (2 Peter 3:18). Here is a rough comparison of the two: 1 Peter “suffering” 16X External Opposition Suffering from Persecution Need for Submission to Christ Comfort to the Hurting