Two More Tryhards

Episode 101 - Fury Unleashed



Hello! Two More Tryhards here, local podcast people and video game enthusiasts!  Are your video games taking TOO MUCH TIME ALL THE TIME!?!?!  ARE THEY CONSTANTLY TAKING TOO MANY HOURS DRIVING YOU CRAZY?!?!?!?!? Think there's no answer?  YOU'RE SO STUPID!  THERE IS! FURY UNLEASHED! A SIDE SCROLLING UP AND DOWN SHOOT EM UP ROGUELITE THAT YOU CAN PICK UP AND PUT DOWN IN LESS THAN 20 MINUTES! Looking for another home on Discord?  Why not join us here where you can talk to the crew dIrectly? Follow and/or subscribe on Twitch (follow us on Twitter @twomoretryhards for stream announcements) Help the cause on Patreon. Maybe snoop around the Humble Store with our affiliate link?