Two More Tryhards

Episode 94 - World of Warcraft - Shadowlands



This week we have Peter and Morgan...and not Jordan but Ed, but not Morgan, it's Morgan. It's not as confusing as it sounds. Peter's new guild homies join him to talk about World of Warcraft's latest expansion because Jordan and Morgan won't and there's just too much for one tryhard to digest. Follow Morgan and Ed at @mindmeldmo and @kavonde respectively to support your community! Looking for another home on Discord?  Why not join us here where you can talk to the crew driectly? Follow and/or subscribe on Twitch (follow us on Twitter @twomoretryhards for stream announcements) Help the cause on Patreon. Hey you, guy that used our amazon affiliate link, we see you and we appreciate you!  If anybody is in the market for a new mouse, Peter recommends this Naga Trinity!