You Need A Budget (ynab)

Join Me In a 34-Day Reset



Jesse issues a New Years' challenge for YNAB'ers. For the next 34 days, abide by just three rules:  Write down every single thing you spend money on. You can do this in YNAB, or on a sheet of paper, but it must include every penny spent! Purchase ONLY essentials. Essential means you must have it to live. Do not eat out, or order take-in from restaurants. No restaurant spending, full stop. It's only 34 days, you can do it! YNAB's data and experience has shown that people often find hundreds, even a thousand, extra dollars in their budget by doing these three things. In particular, eating out has proven to be the number one most common drain on the budget. Remember, this is only for a short time! It's a small amount of hardship to endure, that can provide a major boost your savings and financial health to start the New Year.   Start the reset today: