Human City

Neal Payton - How The Pandemic Will Change Our Cities



Neal Payton FAIA, LEED-AP, CNU-A, is a principal of Torti Gallas + Partners (where he leads the west coast office if Los Angeles), has won numerous design awards for the AIA and Congress For New Urbanism, and is a leader is designing cities that are socially, economically, and culturally thriving. Neal's work speaks for itself, he is truly a leader in the field. He has a wide and diverse perspective that gives us a full picture of what we can expect - I learned so much from this episode!! Do you want to know to know what our cities will look like after the pandemic?  The buildings, the materials, the public space, the environment? Listen to find out! Listen and Enjoy!! Links:Neal at Torti GallasThe Article On Urbanism/Architecture Post Covid-19Neal's TwitterNeal's LinkedInTorti Gallas  We would absolutely love your feedback (seriously!) Please email, Tweet at HumanCityPod, or message on InstagramHosted By Stig Terrebonne