Radicals & Revolutionaries Lab

Amelia Hruby



This week's revolutionary is Amelia Hruby, author of the recent book Fifty Feminist Mantras and host of the travelling podcast Fifty Feminist States. Hruby is an academic, feminist, and advocate for body positivity and against fatphobia.In our conversation, we cover how Hruby found the inspiration to create her mantras, feminist power anthems, the struggles of academia, why the DIY approach is rooted in a strong sense of community, and how taking selfies can teach people to love themselves.Some Questions I Ask:Can you tell us about your book, Fifty Feminist Mantras? (0:48)How do you come up with your mantras? (3:11)How do you keep a positive attitude in the face of challenges? (11:45)What helped you get through the experience of your PhD program? (22:57)Tell us more about the selfie prompts and groups (34:40)How can people join these groups? (38:39)In This Episode, You Will Learn:Why feminism has to be an action, and not just an idea, and has to serve a greater community (5:50)Why a DIY approach is not the sa