

Starrcade was a Thanksgiving Special at first, Dusty Rhodes thought of this Event because he said to himself “what are people going to do now that they’ve eaten there Thanksgiving meal?” and his answer was to offer them a Special Wrestling Event to finish off Thanksgiving with. To really set this Event up, they started off with NWA Champion Harley Race putting a Bounty out on Ric Flair for $25,000. They used Cowboy Bob Orton Jr. and Dick Slater to collect the Bounty to add suspense and what finished the set up for the Main Event was Ric Flair announcing his Retirement and than returning with a baseball bat and cutting a Promo that ended with “It’s only just begun”. Other matches were NWA Tag-Team Title match between Jay Youngblood and Ricky Steamboat challenging Gerry & Jack, The Briscoe Brothers. Instead of having a U. S. Title match between Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine, to make this Event unforgettable, they asked Piper to get a Dog Collar so