Take The Leap!

Episode #87 - Raushawna Price Takes The Leap



Join me for this week’s episode of Take The Leap as I interview Raushawna Price, the Giver of Awesomeness™. She is fiercely focused on defining bullying behaviors to support growth and healing for all she encounters. She holds space for each listener to think and process their own experiences without creating a victim and villain mentality. She is the #1 choice for organizations and individuals who are ready to uncover why bullying occurs and how to move from Adversity to Awesomeness.  She is a certified coach, international speaker, and author of the book, "Be a Giver of Awesomeness". Raushawna continues to bring Awesomeness to her clients while also enjoying Crossfit style workouts and jigsaw puzzles in her spare time. In this interview she shares with us how and why bullies show up in our in the workplace and the methods you can use to overcome the effects they have in your life. In this episode you will learn: What the bullies are REALLY telling you when they attack your personality traits they dislike T