Animals Connect With Deb Brosnan

When is it Time to Say Good-Bye – Evolutionary Choice ~ Deb Brosnan



Animals Connect with Deb Brosnan Radio Show Evolutionary Choice: Letting go of a pet, friend or family member can be truly painful. We have been taught in many cultures that it is profound loss. In other cultures it is a part of soul evolution. What if instead it is a growth toward something bigger? Something more brilliant? A type of evolutionary choice? What if death is simply an evolutionary choice? If it is in fact an evolutionary choice, then you have the ability to choose something different... Is aging and death required? Or conspired? There are many creatures that live so long that we cannot even comprehend it. And we have the opportunity to learn from them. Learn what they have taught or allowed their bodies to become to maintain a stasis internally. Learned or taught their bodies to regenerate automatically. Are you ready to learn to live forever? Fork Bending Class ~ ~ More about Animals Connect with Deb Brosnan ~  Everyone and everything in this Universe is