Life In Oz

Hot tips on overcoming homesickness!



New to uni, Melbourne? Missing home? You are certainly not alone. In this episode, 3 senior unimelb students share their stories on transforming from feeling lost and lonely, to enjoying and making the most out of their campus life. If you are new to campus or the city, here are some of their tips for you: No need to rush. Feeling alone is part of the journey. It will all be fine, as long as you participate, whether in class, or in campus activities. Find what makes you happy, be it dancing, YouTubing, Martial arts, volunteering, or FOOD. AND remember, there is always help out there if you need it. For those who are interested in the unimelb LiCA volunteering program that Hannah mentioned in the episode, you can find more info here. Audio editing: HannahGuest Speaker: Hannah, Sakshi, Justin, Xia