Paperless Productivity

Bonus Episode: “Justice Knows No Quarantine” as a Podcast



“We can’t let perfection get in the way of a good system,” said Scott Bade, ImageSoft President and Product Visionary. “Today, we need to look for easy wins that move data forward, even if, for the time being, the method isn’t as integrated, end-to-end or wholesome as we’d like it to be.”  This sentiment from Scott is a soundbite from our April 2020 webinar, “Justice Knows No Quarantine” with Jim McMillan from the National Center for State Courts. Scott, Jim and Senior Justice Consultant Brad Smith hosted a panel discussion addressing the current challenges of civil and criminal courts, mitigation options that can be implemented in the next 45 days or less, what courts should be doing as we come return to a new normal, and how to overcome procurement obstacles when moving forward with these opportunities. The key message? “The mobile society that we have become has led to added bandwidth that is paying off now,” said Scott, adding that the Justice System needs to prepare for the new normal of more people work