In A Skirt Podcast

Episode 54 – Pause (a recovery episode with Holly Benson)



I know life has been crazy these last few weeks. And uncertain. But the other day, a friend sent me an article she read that really made me pause and think. It’s from Real Simple Magazine and it’s by Holly Robinson. Holly wrote that running has “been the best salve for emotional turmoil.” She said that “being happens during those rare times when we’re fully conscious of our surroundings and feel connected to them. We’re all guilty of too many acts of nonbeing,” but running pauses the world and lets one be “completely in the world.”  I read those words over and over again. Pausing the world while being completely in it. You know that feeling…when you’re on a run and your senses feel so alive and there is nothing else going on at that moment except simply being…simply feeling, smelling, hearing, seeing, and being. Sometimes on early morning runs, I hear the sound of an armadillo’s claws on the road as we both startle each other. Then I smell the fresh scent of a dryer sheet as I pass a house where someone must