Thought Project With Ashley Rothstein

Episode #021: Getting greedy with your flow state



I get warm and fuzzy feelings in my tummy when I think about flow states. When I say 'flow state,' you are probably envisioning the same feeling that I am. How you and I each achieve our individual flow states is probably not the same. Maybe you get into yours via rock climbing, playing an instrument, speaking on stage, doing comedy, reading, painting, drawing, or another activity. I get into mine via dancing and yoga. But once you've touched your individual flow state, you know what it feels like. And it's a feeling we can both probably agree upon. Divine, effortless, amazing, blissful, right...a space with zero resistance that you never want to leave.   Because this space can feel so perfect, it's reasonable to desire it often. Sometimes that desire can turn into greed. It can for me, and it does. When I get greedy with my flow state, I start pushing, striving, and forcing it to come about. My efforts become half-ass and inorganic, and the results are often sub par. I usually feel 'off' with the entire expe