Take The Leap!

Episode #29 - Zachary Babcock



Join me for this week’s episode of Take The Leap as I interview Zachary Babcock. In this episode Zachary shares how he turned his life around going from over five years in prison to rubbing elbows with multi-millionaires every day, Zachary Babcock helps entrepreneurs launch, grow, and monetize top-shelf passive income businesses and personal brands. He interviews celebrities and industry leaders on his top-rated Apple Podcast, Underdog Empowerment, and has a broad perspective from both extremes of life. In this episode you’ll learn: Tell your story before someone else does Do The Work: You can’t skip steps Be Consistent in your business   Connect with Zachary Babcock at:  Email: zachary@zacharybabcock.com Facebook: http://facebook.com/zachary.babcock.1 Instagram: @zacharyjbabcock Website: https://underdogempowerment.com