Monday Morning Motivator

Listening Test



How good are you at listening? I’m going to give you a little test to find out. Grab a paper and pencil and join me now!  Instructions:  Draw a horizontal line from left to right.  Draw another horizontal line from right to left either above or below the first line. Draw a vertical line from top to bottom connecting the two horizontal lines. Draw another vertical line from bottom to top.  What did you come up with?  If your instinct was that you needed to ask more questions to get the right shape, then your instincts are correct.  But then why don’t salespeople follow them in sales meetings?  Often there are just one or two questions asked and then, boom! here comes a 30-minute demo.  When you ask the customer questions, lots of questions, you have all the information you need to sell them what they want to buy, so that you can actually keep your demo to just five minutes of totally relevant information.  (You’ll notice that customers never ask “How do I log in?” which is how most demos start… ) This also