Life And Love After Heartbreak

Confidence through action



Sometimes the hardest thing in the world to do is to Act.  Acting regardless of how you feel, think or believe, isn't easy but it's possible - it's called creating confidence through action. So, have you been second guessing yourself, wondering if you should take the next step...a bit shaky in your confidence.  Well, then this episode is for you.  During this episode we talk about action vs inaction in the midst of low confidence.  Let's jump in! Check out the episode!    Links mentioned in this episode Guide - I highly recommend you download the freebie mentioned in this episode at and begin fueling your purpose Get a free audible book on me at Subscribe & Review Are you subscribed to my podcast?  If not, I don't want you to miss another episode.  Each week I provide a new episode and if you're not subscribed, there's a good chance you'll miss out on them.