The Bad Boy Running Podcast

Ep 36 - David runs an ultra (Part 1)



After running his first ultra, David regales us with his story while the chaps discuss what’s been going on with the Do-Badders and reveal some more races Here’s what was up for discussion: Jody reveals his dirty drinking truth, his lack of drinking and blows the whistle on his mum’s pregnancy diet of vice David professes his love for Drew Barrymore and the duo discuss the sex of ET After his first ultra, David gives the low down on his experience The talk turns to Pato Banton (again) and the attempt to sign him for a big race start Beer Lovers Marathon is given ANOTHER mention and the guys have the SAME conversation AGAIN David shouts out about a properly badass Do-Badder (listen in and check her out) BOOM! Bad Boy Running Podcast gets a mention in a national running magazine! David is disappointed he can’t get to more trail runs on the tube and reveals his race start blindness The lads struggle with the question of whether you get water stops on a 10k… and how much wine you can consume on it A perfect demo