Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

SUP | Chapter 5: Promotion Comes From God



I shared on last weeks chapter of my start-up story that through a series of meeting certain people I was connected with a company here in St. Louis that works with helping to get start-ups off the ground. I'm being pretty vague at this point in the story about who that was not because I think it will fall through but because I want to protect them and the process that we are going through to see how this may work. I believe I'll be able to share with you in the future about what this partnership fully looks like. BIG IMPORTANT MEETING This last week I had this important meeting with this company. I had my guns loaded and I was excited to see what might come of us talking about what their needs were and how I might be able to help them. After a lot of conversation, we turned to talk about how I could help and it all took a turn. Why? Because there wasn't a deal to be made. Was it because I wasn't good enough, smart enough or didn't have the skills? Nope. It was because there wasn't the opportunity I was looki