Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

#016: How to Stop Comparing Your Life to Others



In a world fascinated with being uniquely you, there is a consistent struggle in comparing ourselves to other people. It's a plague that seems to find us over and over. We spend our lives wanting to match ourselves up to the latest trend, fad, following or culture. At the core of this plague is us wanting and desiring the lives of other people. We love to compare. I noticed this play out in my own life a few weeks ago. It was the middle of the day, and I found myself on Instagram, doing the typical Instagram thing of checking your profile 20 million times per day. I quickly recognized a familiar face and profile and was swept into the action. Before I even realized it, I was stacking my life up against theirs. How many followers do they have? How often do they post? They look like they travel all the time - I wish I could do that. Their family is beautiful. I wish I had a life like theirs. Boom. I found myself sucked into the vortex of comparisons and struggled to get out of it. WE COMPARE OURSELVES TO DEAT