Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

#020: Masterminds: The Fuel to Accelerate Your Performance w/ Anthony Witt



All of us are always looking for ways to improve our lives. Whether we are working hard to get out of debt, lose weight or grow personally in any way, we want to make ourselves better. We are taught as small children to use teams and others to help us become the people we want to become. But as we get older, this wisdom doesn't often stick. The more crusty we become we feel the need to go at life on our own. THE POWER OF MASTERMINDS But there is a better way. It's not just a better way - it's an incredibly more powerful way to grow the life you are looking for. Enter the power of masterminds. Masterminding, as you here on this episode combats the ideas that our ideas are the greatest, and the best way to achieve maximum results in your life, business and performance is to gather the collective wisdom of other people. That is what masterminding is all about. On this episode of Adventurous Faith, I sit down with Anthony Witt, who has spent the majority of his professional career not just promoting the importanc