Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

#026: How to Avoid Your Quarter-Life Crisis & Find Your Calling w/ Paul Sohn



Young Adulthood has changed drastically over the last 20-30 years. People seem to be growing up slower which has made life in your twenties tricky. If you're like most twenty-somethings, after high school you fling yourself into college with a major that you think you want to do for the rest of your life. You then graduate from college (with loads of debt) and head into the workforce hoping to make a difference. But then, only a few years into your bustling career you wake up realizing you're not doing what you wanted to do at all. You thought you were living your calling, but all you've found is a quarter-life crisis. LEARNING TO AVOID THE QUARTER-LIFE CRISIS & FIND YOUR CALLING My guest on today's episode of Adventurous Faith knows what your story feels like. He lived it himself. Paul Sohn is the founder of QARA, an organization that exists to help twenty-somethings find their True North. He is also the author of Quarter-Life Calling. Paul is a successful speaker, author, mover & shaker in the young