Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

SUP | Chapter 18: Let's Talk Money & Self Worth



Over the last eight months, Adventurous Faith has grown and shaped in several different ways. One of those more significant ways has been with my coaching practice. This hasn't come easy for me. When I first began coaching, I was sure if I had the skill set, knowledge, and ability to do the high-level coaching I had been dreaming of. My self-worth wasn't there yet. LET'S TALK MONEY & SELF-WORTH Over the last several months of growing this coaching practice, one of the more vital lessons I have learned is that the process I am offering men in finding a balanced life is virtually priceless. I not only have the skill set, but I have the tools, experience, and ability to coaching high-achieving men to even greater success in their businesses and personal lives. I am more convinced of this than ever. That is what this episode is all about. It's about me needing to raise my coaching rate, but more importantly, it's about me finding greater self-worth in what I am doing. The Prosperous Coach 500B6