Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

#037: How to Set Goals You Can Reach in 2019



At the end of every year, I have a few things on my mind. – the holidays, eating good food, resting, spending time with family and goal setting. I could spend an entire episode or more talking about how important each of these are (especially food) but I won’t. Today, I wanted to take some time and talk about the process I use to set goals.  SETTING GOALS YOU CAN REACH IN 2019 Over the years, I have adopted different ideas and practices for goal setting. In the last couple of years, I have invested a lot of time & money in the goal setting system Michael Hyatt uses in his “Best Year Ever” program. This online course, coupled with the everyday use of his Full Focus Planner, not only help me to stay on track but help me to set and reach goals every year. This year is no different. But, as I approach this upcoming year, there is a 3-layer grid that I have developed and began implementing into setting my goals. Here are the 3 areas that I want to make sure my goals line up with:   1. I WANT MY GOALS TO B