Pod Fiction




Most people think that Top Ramen is the go to for poor people, we say its buttered tortillas. Ketchup, honey, stale tortilla chips, butter, these are the staples of a poor family's kitchen. Does pineapple belong on pizza? Are bloody marys part of a juice cleanse? Our views on life may be a little skewed but they make more sense than the continental army protecting airports.  Day in and day out we as a people are stuck on a never ending hamster wheel, like perpetual motion powered by a continuous natural force. We sweat, bleed, cry and beat ourselves down consistantley to make people whom we have never met, rich. Wanna skip college and get a job? Fucked. Maybe you do want to go to college, except that leads to a slightly better job. Fucked.  This domination only breaks when more and more people realize that happiness doesnt stem from how much money someone can pay you but from the freedom of being able to choose. Also, Ursula was purple, who the fuck is gonna portray her? #ebonyariel