Behind The Beats: With German Perez

Alex Gonzalez- Mana



If you've been to a party in the last twenty-five years and the DJ has played Spanish music, chances are you've heard Alex Gonzalez on the drums, making you dance along with his band Mana. This is a story about a musician who early on in his life knew what he was destined to do. Alex found a way to move to Mexico and join the band he believed. Now, I didn't know his story at all, I only knew the songs from Mana's super successful album "Donde Jugaran Los Ninos." I played that album so much, I burned myself out from playing it so much. I'm sure you have too because it's that good. It's rooted deep down in my core and Alex Gonzalez has been an early influencer on how I approach playing drums and writing music. When I would finally start to play drums I would play along to countless Mana songs and I really studied Alex's style of drumming. The combination and tasteful mashup of styles make "El Animal" one of my favorite musicians on the planet. Let's not forget he rocked a bass drum with a picture of his infamou