Jesus Famous With Nate Holdridge

Audio Reading: Stop Turning To Miserable Comforters (Job 16:2)



  “I have heard many such things; miserable comforters are you all.” (Job 16:2 ESV). Job, in the midst of a massive trial, had three friends who attempted to confront him with "their truth," which were all lies, and Job knew it. Though his perspective was not quite yet God's, he recognized a void of wisdom when he saw one. His three friends had not yet tapped into real truth. They had come, perhaps to comfort and console, but had done no such thing. So Job replied, "Miserable comforters are you all." Straight up. Some have said what Job said when confronted with the truth; blinded by sin, they have become numb to the goodness of the truth, and they are wrong to say it. But Job was right to say it. He had not heard what was right, so the comfort which flowed was miserable and unhelpful. For our purposes, though, let's think for a moment of everything we might turn to for comfort in this life. God has given us common grace, a beautiful creation to enjoy, and he often comforts us with it, so we should not reje