The # Nojudgement Podcast

EPISODE 22 - College Scandals & Leaving Neverland



We're going deep on today's episode discussing the recent college scandals including those surrounding actresses Lori Laughlin and Felicity Huffman. We also discuss the HBO documentary *Leaving Neverland* about the two men, Wade Robson and James Safechuck and their stories of alleged abuse at the hands of Michael Jackson. To watch the documentary click [HERE][1] and the Oprah after show [HERE][2] Support our sponsor & receive 15% OFF on any & all Organisource products with code WHOLESOME [Here][3] Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE, LEAVE A REVIEW AND RATING for The #NOJUDGEMENT PODCAST THE #NOJUDGEMENT PODCAST COMES FROM CHILD DEVELOPMENT EXPERT JESSICA ZADEH + MOMMIES KATHY COPCUTT AND PAMELA WEISS. WE'RE ALL ABOUT EVERYTHING MOM, BABY AND PARENTING. WE'RE NOT AFRAID TO GO DEEP INTO TOPICS LIKE MENTAL HEALTH, SEX + RELATIONSHIPS, LEARNING DISORDERS, ILLNESSES AND MORE. JOIN A COMMUNITY OF LIKE-MINDED MAMAS AS THESE LADIES REWRITE THE ARCHETYPE OF THE 'PERFECT MOTHER' WITH HONESTY, CANDOR AND HUMOR.