Dorkside News Network

Ep 110: Urban Legends: Slenderman, Spoiler full Reviews of Captain Marvel & Umbrella Academy



Please review us over on Smashbomb! Spoiler full reviews of Umbrella Academy and Captain Marvel, be warned! Turok is coming to Switch... but how are the controls? Batman vs The Ninja Turtles, where the hell did this come from? Aladdin new trailer might mean the movie is watchable. ALADDIN Trailer 3 (2019) Doom movie is not partnered with Id software, what could that mean? National Treasure 3 could still be happening. Disney+ will feature the entire Motion Picture library, even the racist ones? Season 8 of Arrow is the final season. Emma Watson tagged for Black Widow? Charlie Says trailer with Matt Smith looks terrifyingly amazing. 100 percent certain Borderlands 3 will be announced at PAX East March 28th Halo: Master Chief collection is coming to Steam... one game at a time.   Weeb Central Adult Swim and Crunchyroll partnered up.   Meeple Corner Wizards of the Coasts upgrades their Wizards Play Network. Dice Forge Rebellion expansion announced by Libellud, makers