Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

#012: How to Have a Healthy View of Confidence in a World That Thinks It's All That



We live in a world consumed with the idea of confidence. Many other voices to us to build our lives around being self-assured - to live brashly, boldly, courageously and brazenly. We are told to live out and proclaim self-confidence - you can do anything and everything you set your mind to. But, is this the way God intended confidence? Is this the way our days were meant to be lived - formed completely out of the self-made life? CONFIDENCE ON THE MIND I've been processing the idea of confidence and the self-made man a lot lately. This is part of the reason for this episode so early in the Adventurous Faith journey. I believe part of the reason it's been so close to my heart is that the more I process Adventurous Faith, the more I realize that the call to this life that Christ has for you and I isn't about us. Sure, we "take the risk", but in the end, the goal is that it is all about Christ - with him and control. And you can't get too far down the road of losing control of your own life only to find it in Jes