Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

#010: How to Build a Morning Routine & Slay Your Day, Week, Month & Life



A few years back I realized something about my mornings - they were terrible. And by terrible I mean I would roll out of bed and then before I knew it or realized it I would find myself at the gym. Later in the day, I would notice how much purpose it lacked. I wasn't sure of where it went. Pretty soon I realized that if I wanted my life to go somewhere and have direction, I needed to build better days. It didn't take me long to realize that in order to build more productive days, I needed to begin with a morning routine.  A MORNING ROUTINE TO SLAY YOUR DAY, WEEK, MONTH & LIFE It took me a while to figure it out, but I began to grab some traction with my mornings. I would change it up to see what worked and chuck anything that didn't seem to fit. My mornings, over the course of time, began to take shape. It was then I noticed something pretty amazing - my days began to look radically different too. And I don't mean I had "better days" or that I felt better - although that was mostly true. My days became mu