The Bad Boy Running Podcast

Ep 73 - Colin McCourt is back!



In one of our most popular episodes, we spoke with former GB athlete Colin McCourt onto the podcast to talk about his 16 min 5k challenge which could have resulted in £1700 if he won or 17 tattoos of his mates' names adorned across his body if he lost. Well, he's back and his challenge has concluded... and he did it! (Oh wait... maybe we should have added a SPOILERS warning there...) In this episode Colin picks up where we left on his journey and reveals: The point where he got REALLY worried he wasn't going to make it What his mates thought when he finally succeeded What's happened to him in his past year during the challenge and how life has changed Why he never got the £40 Dominos deal he wanted at the end of the 5k His best kit he received and used during the last 12 months What he would have done DIFFERENTLY if he was doing it all again ... and what his next challenge might be The Silk Cut is at 34 minutes if you want to jump straight to the interview and not listen to some talk about running and the #