The Bad Boy Running Podcast

Ep79 Pt1 - Will Rial from Run-Fast on managing athletes



In this episode of Bad Boy Running podcast, David interviews Will Rial, international athlete manager for sports management agency, Run-Fast. The discussion is all around what happens when How scholarships are divided between US colleges How sports management agencies draft in the right type of runners How they manage runners to maximise the money they get from races What's the purpose of different types of bonuses and fees Why Caffeine Bullet will never be a viable sponsor (ok, maybe not this one) There's a whole load covered and so there's a second episode out shortly. If you want to get straight to the interview with Will, the Silk Cut is on 15 minutes. Enjoy!  Join the conversation! If you want to request a guest or chat about this episode with like-minded drunk runners then head over to our Facebook Group, answer three questions either correctly or hilariously and we'll realise you're not a spam robot and add you in! You can also follow us on Twitter, Jody is @Ultrarunnerjody, David is @DavidHellard an