The Bad Boy Running Podcast

Ep84 - Matt Fitzgerald on 80/20 running and heart rate



Ok, this has been a long time coming due to various technical issues with the recording but finally it's here. Jody and David sit down with Matt Fitzgerald, author of multiple running books including 80/20 Running and Racing Weight. They're specifically focused on 80/20 in this episode and the importance of managing intensity when training. There's loads of great stuff in this interview with Matt and (fortunately for Fi Silk) very little chitter chatter from Jody and David - mainly because all that content was lost. So finally - and probably far too late for your training to make any difference - here's Matt Fitzgerald talking 80/20. If you enjoyed this episode please SUBSCRIBE to get every episode delivered to you before everyone else. Join the conversation! If you want to request a guest or chat about this episode with like-minded drunk runners then head over to our Facebook Group, answer three questions either correctly or hilariously and we'll realise you're not a spam robot and add you in! You can also f