Galactic Inspiration

Welcome to Episode # 5 - Happy Food



Do you feel different when you eat a salad than when you eat bacon, sausage, meat and french fries? Many people say you area what you eat... That is very true considering that the food that you eat is the fuel for your body. And when we say; you are what you eat... that means that what you eat will affect the way you are physically and mentally. Fact: If you eat healthy food you feel better and therefore be nicer to those around you. FACT: You will feel tired and annoyed after eating a very heavy meal and chances are that the discomfort in your stomach will make you cranky. Dont take our word for it. Just monitor your own diet and pay attention to how you feel. Out body can take care of itself when we feed it the right fuel. But if we feed our body garbage.. then ... Listen to this podcast and just start monitoring your diet... You dont have to make a significant change in life style right now. Just pay attention to what you put in your mouth and how it makes you feel. Enjoy this podcas