Adventurous Faith: Life To The Full

#006: Mr. T, Michael Scott & How to Stop Being Awkward with People



When I first realized that I sucked at relationships, there were all sorts of ideas and practices I began to learn about how to build and maintain healthy and strong relationships. But the more I dug into these principles there was always one principle and practice that kept making its way to the top of the list in what it meant to good at relationships: pain. No, I'm not talking about the physical pain you and I seek after in search of the perfect workout or body. I'm not even talking about the weird and random scars you may have from pulling whatever stunt as a kid. I'm talking about something much more profound. In fact, it's not even surface level. I'M TALKING ABOUT EMOTIONAL PAIN You and I struggle to be good at relationships because we aren't good at leaning into the un-comfort and pain that often come with interacting, caring for and loving other people. We don't like to deal with emotional pain. Why? Because we don't want to experience the hurt it may bring. ANSWER ME HONESTLY - WHERE HAS THAT GOTTEN