Happy English Podcast

800 - Deadlines With By, Until, and Unless



Deadlines, we all have them, and so we need to talk about them. Finish your homework by Friday. Work hard until the weekend. And you can’t have any fun unless you’re done doing what you have to do. By, until, and unless.We use the words by, until and unless to talk about a deadline, but the way we use these words can be a pain in the neck for a lot of English learners. Fear not, my friends. For today’s English lesson podcast, we’re going to do a deep dive into these similar, but tricky, common vocabulary wordsJoin my Podcast Learner's Study Group here: https://learn.myhappyenglish.com/transcriptVisit my website for over 3,000 free English lessons: https://www.myhappyenglish.com/