Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast

Understanding Team Expectations: The Key to Scrum Master Success | Mateusz Komander



Mateusz Komander: Understanding Team Expectations - The Key to Scrum Master Success Read the full Show Notes and search through the world's largest audio library on Agile and Scrum directly on the Scrum Master Toolbox Podcast website: For Mateusz, success as a Scrum Master starts with understanding team expectations. He emphasizes the importance of regularly asking teams "What do you expect from me as your Scrum Master?" The responses not only reveal the team's previous experiences with Scrum Masters but also indicate their maturity level and understanding of the role. By asking this question periodically, Mateusz can track the team's evolution and adapt his approach accordingly. Self-reflection Question: When was the last time you explicitly asked your team about their expectations of you as a Scrum Master, and how did their answers influence your approach? Featured Retrospective Format for the Week: Adapt to Your Team's Needs Mateusz learned through experience t