Feast Of Fun : Gay Talk Show

Brian Yuen - Bodybuilding with HIV



We’re living in a new golden age of bodybuilding, thanks in part to the Internet, which provides endless resources for building muscle, and to medical advancements over the past few decades in fighting HIV, AIDS, and cancer.Let’s Grow Big Together! The podcast that tests positive for F.U.N. (and lots of performance enhancing drugs.) In this series, hosts Fausto Fernós and Marc Felion take a look at the passion for muscle, adventures in bodybuilding, muscle gods, muscle worship and practical advice to put on the gains. Today Canadian bodybuilder and immigration attorney Brian Yuen joins us for an inspiring conversation about bodybuilding and living with HIV, and how the AIDS crisis from the 90s and bodybuilding helped each other survive and thrive. Brian has been living with HIV for over 16 years and has achieved incredible success in the bodybuilding world, having competed in seven shows,  including winning 1st place in Masters Open Bodybuilding at the 2021 Vancouver Island Showdown and securing 2nd place in