Crime Junkie

MURDERED: Patricia Newsom



After nearly 50 years as East Haven, Connecticut’s Jane Doe, police have finally identified the murder victim found behind Bradlees Department Store as 18-year-old Patricia Newsom. Now, they need your help to catch her killer – or killers. If you have any information about Patricia Newsom, call East Haven police at 203-468-3824.Join the FindPatriciaNewsom Facebook group for updates.For information on how to upload your DNA profile to GEDmatch, please visit the GEDmatch website.Check out the following links for guides and tip sheets on what to do when a loved one goes missing: Missing Persons Primer – The Center for HopeMissing Persons Guide – Missing Persons Advocacy NetworkFinding a Missing Loved One – National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)Missing Persons Checklists 1 & 2 – IHaveVanished.comMissing-Child, Emergency-Response, Quick-Reference Guide for FamiliesMissing Child Clearinghouses (every state)Resources for Families of Missing American Indian and Alaska Native AdultsWhen Your Child Is Missing: