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Channeling THEO: 12 Archangels urgent message about humanity's shift | Sheila Gillette



Sheila Gillette Channels THEO - THEO predicted this shift 5 decades ago! This is a time of great awakening, where the earth calls for change, and we are reminded of our purpose: to live in harmony with our soul’s truth and contribute to the collective evolution of humanity.   About Sheilla Gillette: Website: YouTube:   Sheila Gillette is a renowned spiritual channel who has been bringing through the wisdom of Theo, a collective of 12 archangelic beings, for over five decades. Theo’s teachings guide humanity through this pivotal time of transformation, known as The Shift, where we transition from linear thinking to multidimensional living. About Theo: Theo are 12 archangelic beings, speaking in one voice, here to be mentors and teachers. We are guides into this new future, into this time of masterfulness, for all humanity is ready now to accept that within themselves. We are here to enlighten, to open beings to the possibilities and the miraculous." - TH