

The 2nd half of the year is the busiest time for bloggers. This is the perfect time of year to really work on your SEO strategy. Take a listen! BGC ANNOUNCEMENTS * Welcome to the 65th episode of the Boss Girl Creative Podcast!! Today, I'm breaking down SEO and teaching you how to create your own SEO Strategy. * Have comments or questions? Tweet/IG using the hashtag #BOSSGIRLQA or call in: (707) BOSS-GIRL * Support Boss Girl Creative endeavors by joining the BGC Crew! * Join me in the Facebook Group on Wednesday nights at 9pm CST for a live Q&A answer session!! Send me your questions through email, phone or #BOSSGIRLQA on Twitter/Instagram * Want a direct link to the podcast feed? Click here. * Use these Hashtags on Social Media: #bossgirlcreative #bossgirlchat INSIDE THIS EPISODE * Search Engine Optimization - What is it? * Backlinks * Not just backlinks on your site * Having a social media strategy * Content is king * What are you solving? * Keyword research * How often should you be publishing new con