

AmyK Hutchens (@AmyKHutchens), author of The SecretsLeaders Keep: Insightful Stories And Provocative Questions ThatUnlock The Hidden Secrets To Winning Big In Business And Lifetells us how we can think more critically, solve our problems morequickly, build momentum, be more productive, and be more profitablefaster.The Cheat Sheet:No matter how accomplished you think you are,developing critical thinking skills and learning to see the worldwith a fresh perspective will help you adapt to whatever newproblems and changes lay ahead.Inviting participants to create question-based agendasmake professional meetings worth having (instead of wastingeveryone's time).Learn how to spark engagement and garner buy-in fromothers for meaningful interactions.What are the two most common fears leadershave?Ask yourself these two questions that will shift yourperspective every single time you have to make adecision.And so much more...Show notes at