

In this Minisode Monday, Jordan reflects on a grumpy old man he met in New York City and wonders if this fellow was a grumpy young man, or if he became that way over time. The Cheat Sheet: Some say that people don't change. But if you listen to this podcast, you already know that's not true. The real question is: are you making an effort to change for the better, or are you just letting change happen with the passage of time? How do you see yourself today as compared to how you were ten years ago? Are you making deposits to your relationships, or are you constantly on borrowed credit? How do you react when things don't go your way -- do you blame others or take responsibility? We're always working toward something -- either by effort or default. Are you allowing yourself to have a say in how the future you fits into the world, or are you slowly trudging along the path to curmudgeonry? To learn more about social dynamics and productivity hacks, take the Art of Charm Challenge by clicking here, or text CHARMED