

Brett McKay (@artofmanliness) is the founder of Art of Manliness, one of the largest independent men's lifestyle sites on the Web. Similarities in the naming schemes between AoM and AoC are purely coincidental! The Cheat Sheet: What is manliness? What are the domains -- the hard and soft skills -- an aspiring well-rounded man should develop? Why men of any culture should strive to be useful, not important. How to increase resilience by challenging your faulty "Me, Always, Everything" style of thinking. Why action -- and not getting stuck in your own head -- is the key to flourishing. And so much more... Want to reach the fabled inbox zero? SaneBox learns what email is important to you and filters out what isn't. Visit today and you'll get an extra $25 credit on top of the two-week free trial! Are you trying to hire the right person for your business, but the best candidates keep slipping away? Let ZipRecruiter -- the fastest way to hire great people -- help you screen only the best he